Sunday, November 8, 2015

Are you ready to stop being unhappy at home?


Being in a passive aggressive marriage is exhausting, because you never really know if you can trust what he says to you....Learn how to refocus on what is important, and detach from the confusion! 

Here you have more info:

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Are you having deep conflicts in your marriage?

If you want to save your marriage now...
you need to do what you have been avoiding all those years:

  • accept that there is a passive aggressive style in your communications;
  • research why do you do it
  • accept that you need to do something yourself (nobody else)
  • and make it happen.

This path is the way grown up people resolve life challenges.And it begins by asking for help:

 Here is the story, and here is the information about your next steps...

Wishing to see you on the other side of confusion!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Are conflicts in your life destroying your piece of mind?

Are conflicts in your workplace or personal life destroying your peace of mind?

Are you overwhelmed by present harsh conflicts at work, or in your family? Don't know what to do or how to react to protect your career or relationship from anger and grief? You can have private conflict coaching in your phone, and fast!

Conflict Coach Nora
Conflict Coach Nora
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Oct. 9, 2015 - PRLog -- It is well known that leaders' management style can help companies and employees thrive. Lately, the ability to identify and solve the inevitable confrontations at the workplace is part of the leadership skills package. If those skills are not in place, you can have conflict escalation with workplace sabotage and reputation damage  following.

By learning this skill fast, you will avoid rising hostility, a poor performance image, high turnover rates, and save yourself a lot of stress. When you master this set of conflict skills you will be able to defuse confrontations, get the information necessary to protect your projects and be perceived as the skilled pilot of office battles.

How do you acquire these conflict skills, while being in the middle of the battle?

Conflict coaching is defined as a set of skills and strategies used to support peoples’ ability to engage in, manage, or productively resolve conflict.

In this process, the conflict coach works one-on-one with a manager experiencing conflictive issues of any kind with higher ups or his/her own workers.

Conflict coaching enables the manager to talk about the conflict with a neutral third party (the conflict coach), review his own needs, evaluate his options for managing it, and design the approac which will resolve the conflict at the less personal cost.

What other situations can be helped by conflict coaching?

• High Level of Inter-Personal Conflict and Grief: Dealing with a “Very Difficult Person” in your life;

•  Need to deal with people who attack you: (ex-spouses;
“enemies”; hostile in-laws and relatives; passive aggressive spouse)

•  Life Crisis Management in your Personal and/or Professional Life;

•  Transitions and difficult challenges: Divorce; Job Loss, Personal Sickness and/or Catastrophic Situations;

•  Surviving an Hostile Workplace Culture (including office politics, discrimination and mobbing) while pursuing your personal goals.

How does it work? You schedule your own session, and receive a call to have an hour conversation with Dr. Nora Femenia, at her Conflict Coach site:

Get started working with Coach Nora immediately, knowing that she has developed a system that you can learn and apply fast, to give you relief from conflict stress soon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My 5 Keys for a Happy Marriage

If you are in a relationship or long term marriage, you know that your expectations are aways there. Never go keep expecting from your partner that he or she would deliver exactly the behaviors that you need to feel happy.

But, and this is a big but, we are never explicit in what exactly each one of us needs...
I have decided to list my five keys, spell them carefully and reject any twisting, diminishing, ridiculing or denial of them.

Want to know my five keys? they can be exactly the same of yours, or different, but now it is clear to me what I do need to have.
If you dare to know what exactly you need, go here:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to love yourself unconditionally, first!

We have a new Valentine's Day blog post, so here it is...reminding you of the first duty of all humans:
accept yourself unconditionally, because nobody else will!

Monday, February 9, 2015

When Love Hurts....and what to do to recover!

Here we have a new book for you:

And here you can find more information:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We just have published a new book on male needs:

We just have published a new book on male needs:

and you can get your free copy here:

Waiting for your feedback!!!